Is a protected trademark registration and the use of the name and candy apple stripe trade Candymatic constitute trade dress and use is prohibited unless licensed.
Trademark claim:
The name RAMCHARGERS is protected by trademarks issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office under Registration Number: 0894934 and Registration Number: 1729752. This trademark is owned by the owner of this website and the names RAMCHARGERS, RAMCHARGER, Candymatic, Candystick and RAMCHARGERS.com, as well as the distinctive candy-apple red and white stripe pattern are considered to be part of the Trademark and Trade-dress owned and protected on a proprietary basis by these registrations. Any use of any of these names or trade dress without the express written consent of the holder of the Trademark is strictly prohibited.The Trademark RAMCHARGERS and the Trade Dress which is part of the mark(includes Candy Stripes, Candymatic and Candy Stick) is covered under multiple records recorded with the United States Trademark and Patent Office. Use of these intellectual properties or marks is Prohibited without prior written consent and a license.
There are varying types of licenses available for items such as merchandise up to and including entire vehicles whether they are Original, Tribute, Dream Series or Logo.