Ted Flack had made his name in the Super Stock ranks throughout the late 60's and early 70's. He was an Engineer and Dyno Operator for Chrysler. Running a 1964 Plymouth with a Max Wedge engine, named Plum Crazy in C/Stock from 1970 and 1971 and SS/EA in 1972. Flack was a very well-known and successful racer. Later in life, he would continue working for Chrysler in their racing division and would become one of the leading and most important people, along with Howard Comstock and RAMCHARGER John Wehrly, in Chrysler's return to NASCAR in 2001.
But in 1973, Flack was behind the wheel of their new SS/D car, and his racing partner, Howard Comstock was under the hood. The Flack & Comstock SS/D Plymouth was a fierce competitor in 1973. That's when Chrysler approached Ted about a sponsorship. They, along with Butch Leal and Judy Lilly, had been chosen by Chrysler to carry their name in Super Stock racing. They wanted all three of them to run 360 powered Plymouth Dusters. That's what Chrysler wanted to promote. And those were the Drivers that Chrysler wanted to do it with.
So, they sold the 64 Plymouth and ordered a White w/Black interior 74 Duster. Wanting the lightest possible car he could get, it was ordered with a Slant 6 engine and a 3-Speed manual, floor-shift transmission. Immediately upon receiving the brand-new Duster, they installed the 360 V8 Small Block that he and Comstock had assembled, along with an A-833 4-Speed trans and a Dana 60 rear end. Flack & Comstock were emblazoned across the sides of the car and his "Plum Crazy" name was added to the quarter panels. Like a rocket shot out of a cannon, the Flack & Comstock Duster set out in NHRA in 1974, winning their class at its first race in Gainesville. Winning numerous events and races, the Duster was the car to beat at any track it showed up at.
As the season ended, and preparations for 1975 were on the horizon, Flack conspired with fellow Super Stock Racer, Dean Nicopolis to put together something big. The two of them, both from Southeast Michigan, were commonly found at the RAMCHARGERS shop in Taylor, Michigan, and became friends. And with the cooperation of former RAMCHARGERS Pro Stock Driver, and current Co-Owner, Leroy Palarchio, they created a brand new RAMCHARGERS Super Stock Team for 1975. (For more on this, see Car #3100).
The Duster, along with the two Cudas, were sent to Paul Hatton, of Hatton's House of Krazy Paint, to have the traditional 7 Candy Stripes and RAMCHARGERS name applied. Different from the 60's, however, the cars also had TEAM CAR lettered under the logos on the sides of the car. This was because, for the first time, the RAMCHARGERS did not own the cars. These were officially sponsored cars, and the entry for the RAMCHARGERS at the events where they competed. But still not exactly the same procedure as they had done in the past.
Of the three cars in the team, this Duster was the most successful during the 3 years that they competed as a collective. Running in various classes of Super Stock, typically K or L, the Duster was an absolutely unbeatable car. So much, that NHRA continued to sanction it with weight penalties and force it into more difficult classes, simply because it won all the time. After winning the weekly Wednesday Super Stock event at Tri-City Dragway 4 weeks in a row, they literally tried to bribe Flack into not bringing the Duster out to race. Because they knew that other racers would skip the event and lose money on registration.
After two years of dominance, and also three years of fighting red-tape with NHRA, they grew tired of the drama and decided to go a different route in 1977. The Duster ran as SS/M when new and was factored all the way up to SS/J when they decided to move to Modified Eliminator. Tom Cunningham of Mancini Racing had taken an old Dodge Demon Pro Stock car and updated it to 1976 Dodge Dart Sport styling and set it up to run in E/Gas. Having a few struggles with the car, Cunningham was looking to do something else. Flack and Cunningham made a trade. And the Duster was sent off to get a new paint job.
Cunningham complained that it was a very difficult car to paint. Seems the 7 Candy Stipes on the roof kept bleeding through the new yellow paint. Even when the car was sanded down to bare metal, the shadow of the stripes kept showing. It had to be painted 4 times, before the stripes were finally gone. This Duster simply did not want to leave the RAMCHARGERS Stable.
Now wearing the Yellow and Orange colors of Mancini Racing, the Duster continued to dominate its class in Super Stock for the next few years. After Ted quit racing in 1978 Howard bought the car from Cunnigham and Franks and campaigned it for a short time. It was sold to Ed Longhany of North Carolina in 1980. Ed painted it White again, with Red and Blue stripes. He raced it until 1989, when it was sold to Jan Holm of Sweden. Holm took the car across the Atlantic and raced it there until 1994, in SS/KA. Still wearing its Longhany paint scheme, but no longer having the Longhany lettering on the doors. And now, running with an automatic transmission behind the 360. In 1995, it was sold again and taken to Finland, where it still races today.

If you have any information, photos, stories, or know the whereabouts of this 1974 Plymouth Duster please contact us below.